Entrepreneurship in Technical Education Colleges: Applied Research on University College of Applied Sciences Graduates - Gaza


Entrepreneurship; Technical Education; Colleges; Training

How to Cite

Kassim, E. and El Ukosh, A. (2020) “Entrepreneurship in Technical Education Colleges: Applied Research on University College of Applied Sciences Graduates - Gaza”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 3(3), pp. 52-84. Available at: https://ejbti.com/index.php/1/article/view/49 (Accessed: 15March2025).


The study aimed to examine the role of entrepreneurship dimensions (Degree of Risk, Entrepreneurial Culture, Creativity, Responsibility) in Technical Education and its dimensions (Trainer, Trainee, and Training Tools) as an applied study on graduates of University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza. The researchers used the descriptive-analytical method, and the total study population was 6373 graduates. The questionnaire was used a data collection tool, and a random sample method was applied. The sample consisted of 384 graduates with a recovery rate was of 91%. The data were analyzed using SPSS statistical program. The study results showed that entrepreneurship dimensions impact positively dimensions of Technical Education in the University College of Applied Sciences. In addition, the weighted average of entrepreneurship dimensions in the college was about %73.90, while the weighted average of technical education and training dimensions in the college was about %72.40.



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