The Effect of Sustainable Business Practices on Organizational Performance in the United Arab Emirates
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كيفية الاقتباس

Al Dhaheri, D. A. و Latif, M. M. (2024) "The Effect of Sustainable Business Practices on Organizational Performance in the United Arab Emirates", EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 3(3), ص 52-66. doi: 10.51325/ejbti.v3i3.138.


The study aimed to examine the impact of sustainable business practices on organizational behavior. Under a qualitative research design, purposive sampling was used to conduct interviews at Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) in the UAE, and thematic analysis was applied to analyze the data. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire, with participation from seven managers at ADSSC. The research findings revealed that ADSSC employs modern technology and has a comprehensive plan for implementing sustainable business practices. More than 95 percent of customers expressed satisfaction with their services, attributed to the SMS and calling facilities that offer quick responses. However, there was a 5 percent dissatisfaction rate due to recurring issues caused by private companies. The infrastructure of Abu Dhabi's sewerage services needs to expand to accommodate the growing population and urban sprawl. ADSSC faces challenges related to reliance on subsidies and the need to adopt appropriate tariff regimes and regulations to maintain its market significance.
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