The Practice of Transformational Management and its Role in Achieving Institutional Excellence from the Point of View of Workers in the Directorates of Education in Hebron
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كيفية الاقتباس

Aljamal, S. (2018) "The Practice of Transformational Management and its Role in Achieving Institutional Excellence from the Point of View of Workers in the Directorates of Education in Hebron", EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 1(1), ص 61-83. موجود في: (تاريخ الوصول: 15مارس2025).


The study aims to identify the practice of transformational management and its role in achieving institutional excellence. Primary data was collected from employees working in the Directorates of Education in Hebron governorate. The research methodology includes a multi-item questionnaire survey collected from a sample of 103 employees. The results show that that the average of the mean received on all items on the transformation leadership construct is 3.15 with a verbal interpretation of “average”.  The highest rated dimension within transformational management is intellectual simulation, followed by inspirational motivation, idealized influence and finally individualized consideration. As for the statements, managers scored high in terms of providing incentives to employees to change, motivating and encouraging them, taking care of their individual differences, communicating with them, addressing their difficulties with courage, giving their employees time to listen to their ideas, and stimulating their thoughts. However, managed scored low in terms of dealing satisfactorily with the workers to promote respect, simulating challenges, trusting everyone, and delegating responsibilities. As for the degree of institutional excellence, the results show an average score. The highest areas within institutional excellence is leadership excellence, followed by service delivery excellence, and finally human excellence. Furthermore, managers are continuously seeking to excel in delivering service to the public. Finally, the results indicate that the staff did not receive an appropriate remuneration based on their evaluation and performance, and the institution did not provide opportunities for their distinguished employees.

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