Digital Transformation as a Mediating Variable in the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction


Digital transformation
Organizational Culture
Job Satisfaction
Saudi Universities

How to Cite

Shoaib, H. M. . (2022) “Digital Transformation as a Mediating Variable in the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 1(3), pp. 16-50. Available at: (Accessed: 15March2025).


The study aims to identify the impact of digital transformation as a mediating variable in the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction. The data were collected from a random sample of faculty and staff members in Saudi universities, where 350 valid responses were obtained for analysis. The study finds a positive and strong correlation between organizational culture and its dimensions (values, expectations, norms, policies, and procedures) and job satisfaction and its dimensions (work requirements factors, labor relations factors, work conditions factors). Also, there is a positive and strong relationship between organizational culture and digital transformation and between digital transformation and job satisfaction. Moreover, there is a partial mediating effect (direct and indirect) of digital transformation and its dimensions (setting strategy, building culture, managing field operations) on the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction at the level of basic variables and their dimensions for spreading awareness of the importance of digital transformation in various institutions, including universities. This reveals the difficulties facing Saudi universities in the process of digital transformation, considering the COVID-19 pandemic. The study reached several conclusions. First, lower administrative levels are not allowed to participate in the planning of new applications. Second, the training programs offered to civil and technical workers in the universities under study are weak. The study recommended the necessity of continuous improvement of networks, computers, and software to improve working conditions.



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