Risk Management Application in an Oil and Gas Company for Projects


Oil and Gas company, Risk and Hazard factors, Project Risk Management, Risk Management ?tools and practices.?

How to Cite

AlNoaimi, F. A. and Mazzuchi, T. . A. (2021) “Risk Management Application in an Oil and Gas Company for Projects”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 4(3), pp. 1-30. Available at: https://ejbti.com/index.php/1/article/view/77 (Accessed: 14March2025).


Oil and gas projects are at high risk and the reasons can be the adoption of complex technology, participation of different parties, etc. Oil and gas industries are often vulnerable to risks and hazards, but they overcome these problems by following tools and techniques of risk management, which results in employee and organizations safety. Based on the facts, this research report aims to evaluate and identify the risk management strategies and procedures and assess the efficiency of risk management tools in the Oil and Gas Company in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The survey was conducted among two groups using quantitative as well as qualitative methods.  One hundred twenty-four participants comprising of Engineers, Superintendents, Fire and Safety Officers, HR Managers, Health and Safety Environment Officers were among the respondents of the Survey Questionnaire. For the semi-structured interview, managers from supply and marine, Operation Specialist, Acting Manager of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), Managers of Operational Plant Department were selected. The data collected through the survey question was analyzed using statistical analysis. The data collected through the survey questions were later imported to IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 23.0 and performed descriptive analysis to explain the participants’ characteristics, discrete variables expressed as frequencies and percentages and continuous variables expressed as mean and SD. The reliability of the instrument was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. This research indicated that around 56 % of the engineers and majority of the participating managers agree and strongly agree that the company has the Oil and Gas Company in the Kingdom of Bahrain have has implemented several safety precautions, training, and appropriate risk management tools to ensure the safety of the employees and work to eliminate any risk which could be hazardous to life and property. 



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