The Impact of Team Management on the Organizational Performance in Bahrain Government Sector


Team Management; Organizational Performance; Government Sector; Bahrain

How to Cite

Hasan, M. and Hassan, A. (2021) “The Impact of Team Management on the Organizational Performance in Bahrain Government Sector”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 4(3), pp. 54-69. Available at: (Accessed: 14March2025).


Bahrain government sector organizations have started to realize the significance of team management and how it can be managed effectively and efficiently to ensure enhancing the organization's performance. The use of team management to enhance organizational performance in the Bahrain government sector has become a serious situation for the government in the Kingdom of Bahrain. However, in spite of the increasing number of studies relating to team management in developed countries, few studies have been made in the same context within gulf countries. The aim of this study is to determine how the factors of team management can affect the performance of government organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The study adopted a quantitative method approach for the purpose of the study. The sample size of the study is selected from Bahrain government sector organizations, data were collected from 150 respondents, and the sample was selected based of those who were working for the government and semi-government organizations from the employees who are representing the basics of the organization to the managers who are the responsible persons of team’s formation. The generated data from the government and semi-government organizations were analyzed using many statistical tools, we used the Correlation analysis to test the relationship between our variables and Linear Regression was to test the hypothesis of the study. The results showed that only team decision has a significant positive influence on organizational performance in Bahrain government sector. However, the study result showed that there is no influence on organizational performance in the Bahrain government sector from team trust, team motivation, team cohesiveness, and job satisfaction. Finally, the study recommended the need for Bahrain government sector organizations to give full attention to team management in those organizations in which this will reflect the organizational performance positively. 



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