Effect of Applying Green Marketing Mix Elements on Achieving Competitive Advantage - Case Study: Palestine Cellular Communications Co. JAWWAL


Green Marketing; Green Product; Green Price; Green Promotion; Green Place; Competitive Advantage

How to Cite

Salem, M., Dalloul, E. A. M. ., Tabasi, A.-B. A., Harzallah, T. A., Al-Habil, A. R. and Maqt, Y. I. (2019) “Effect of Applying Green Marketing Mix Elements on Achieving Competitive Advantage - Case Study: Palestine Cellular Communications Co. JAWWAL”, EuroMid Journal of Business and Tech-innovation (EJBTI), 2(3), pp. 79-103. Available at: https://ejbti.com/index.php/1/article/view/46 (Accessed: 14March2025).


This study aims to investigate the effects of applying green marketing mix elements in achieving the competitive advantage: an empirical study on the customers of Palestine Cellular Communications "Jawwal". The study highlights the application of the green marketing mix and its four dimensions: the green product, the green price, the green promotion, and the green place, and its effect in attaining the competitive advantage. This will help the decision-makers in Jawwal, working in the Gaza Strip, come up with the importance of this modern marketing techniques and their role in increasing environmental awareness and developing the social responsibility to offer an environmentally safe service to the customers and accomplish the competitive advantage which will lead the company to be the top between its competitors. The descriptive-analytical method was used to reach the results of the study. The field of the study is the whole users of Jawwal services. The researchers distributed a questionnaire among 400 users of Jawwal using a random sample, then received back 383 questionnaires. The study presented a set of results and most importantly: The application of green marketing mix elements represented in (the green product, the green price, the green promotion, and the green place) has a great role in achieving the competitive advantage of the company. This means using this marketing style will contribute in an effective way to make the company rank the best among its competitors. 



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