The textile sector and other high-risk industries need managers and supervisors to preserve ethical standards because they must ensure fair wages and working conditions for all employees. Managers must also ensure that all employees receive proper treatment at work. The ethical obligations related to occupational health and safety regulations do not receive proper attention in Bangladesh’s textile sector and many times go neglected. The protective measures required to safeguard workers receive inadequate attention from many managers who thus expose their employees to risk. The research focuses on ethical culture and managerial behavior within the textile industry sector. The research team used an intercept survey to gather data from 385 managers and supervisors who work at five factories in Dhaka and Narayanganj. The research study used SmartPLS 4 as a structural equation modeling tool to analyze the relationship between ethical culture and decision-making patterns. The results show that there is a positive correlation between ethical culture and ethical behavior. Those managers who follow ethical standards make better decisions that lead to better workplace practices. These results highlight the need for strong ethical commitments, thorough policies, and strict regulatory actions to develop a long-term ethical work culture. The study also reveals that managing ethical culture can provide managers with better reasons to focus on workplace safety. When organizational operations incorporate ethical principles as part of their daily routine, the organization becomes more transparent as well as fair and responsible. The research offers immediate practical implications while establishing a future research foundation to enhance ethical decision-making in Bangladesh’s textile sector. By establishing ethical standards and maintaining managerial accountability organizations can create lasting sustainability which benefits their employees and the industry as a whole.
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