The burgeoning popularity of food delivery services has transformed consumer behavior, influencing not only how individuals access meals but also their disposal practices for leftover food. This research focuses on understanding the relationship between the frequency of home food delivery app usage and the disposal methods of leftover food, encompassing categories such as composting, trash, recycling, and other methods. The analysis employs statistical methods, including ANOVA and Chi-Square tests, to explore significant associations and differences in the amount of food waste generated among users of various delivery apps. The results reveal compelling insights into consumer behavior, demonstrating that disposal patterns for leftover food vary significantly based on the frequency of app usage. Moreover, the study underscores a statistically significant association between app usage frequency and disposal methods, prompting considerations for environmental sustainability. The implications of these findings extend to the food delivery industry, suggesting opportunities for targeted interventions to promote eco-friendly disposal practices among users. This study not only contributes to the understanding of the intricate relationship between food apps, food waste, and the environment but also offers practical recommendations for fostering sustainable practices within the growing food delivery ecosystem
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